Summer Housing begins on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST. Current residential students that also have a confirmed summer assignment beginning on May 12, 2024, are permitted to request continuous stay until the halls open for the summer.
A student is eligible for the Spring-to-Summer transition period only if he/she has both a spring assignment and summer assignment beginning on Sunday, May 12. Transition housing allows the student to remain in their spring assignment until summer housing begins. Occupying a space includes, but is not limited to, physically dwelling in the space, retaining keys to the space, or maintaining belongings in the space. Students participating in transition housing should be prepared to complete the move from their spring assignment to their summer assignment based on the move date provided by Housing Services between May 5 and May 12.
Services including, but not limited to, dining services, regular custodial services, residence hall offices, residential networking, and mail delivery may not be fully available during the transition housing period. Additionally, work being done in and around the residential facilities may create temporary inconveniences. Students permitted in on-campus housing during times outside of the contract period may not allow others who have not been previously authorized, including guests and roommate(s), to occupy residence hall space. Unapproved individuals will be asked to leave the building and may be billed for dates in residence. All policies and procedures are applicable during times outside of the contract period.
Request Process
In order to be considered for Spring-to-Summer transition housing (May 5-12), students should submit the Late Stay Request Form and indicate "Transition Housing" as their reason for the request. Students who are approved for the Spring-to-Summer transition period will receive further details via their University email in late April/early May.