Issued Keys
Residents are issued a key that permits access to their assigned room. In specific buildings separate keys are issued to an apartment, suite, or building in addition to the key for the individual bedroom. Keys are given for a resident's personal use and are not transferable. Residents are advised to always lock their doors when exiting their room.
Lost Keys
Residents who lose or temporarily misplace their keys should immediately report the loss to their Residence Hall Office (RHO). A resident may borrow a loaner key from the RHO for up to 72 hours. If the originally issued key(s) is not located by this time the key(s) will be considered permanently lost and a lock change will be authorized. Lock change charges are as follows:
Traditional Style and Rooms w/Bath (Central, NN2, and CV)
- Single Room $45
- Double Room $50
- Triple Room $55
- Quad Room $60
Apartments and Suites (NN1 & Opus)
- 5-person Units $100
- 4-person Units $85
- 3-person Units $70
Residents in Caldwell are issued a separate key to access the residential portion of their building. If this key is lost or not returned the replacement key cost is $15.
Charges for lock changes, key replacement, lockouts/spare keys, and temporary loaner access cards will be billed to the student's account.
Lockouts and Loaner Keys
Each resident is allowed one free lockout and spare key usage per academic year. The resident will be charged a fee of $10 for the second lockout; the fee for each additional lockout will be increased in increments of $5.
Charges for lock changes, key replacement, lockouts/spare keys, and temporary loaner access cards will be billed by Residence Life to the student's account.
Building Access
The University maintains a computerized door entry system for most residence halls. To access their assigned residence hall, residents should swipe their Cardinal Card through the scanner located at the building's entrance. Residents who have temporarily misplaced their Cardinal Card may borrow a temporary loaner access card from their RHO for up to 72 hours. If the temporary loaner access card is not returned within this timeframe the student will be charged a $15 replacement fee.
Charges for lock changes, key replacement, lockouts/spare keys, and temporary loaner access cards will be billed to the student's account.
For the safety and security of all residents, students should not hold or prop any door open to allow non-residents to enter.